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Groom Speaks.....
I'm not so good with details but i will give you an overview of how I met the love of my life a.k.a strong woman.
I have known her for awhile but we weren't friends. I never knew she was from my tribe. She walks very briskly like a guy and always on the move. I had an opportunity to interact with her and I discovered that she is an interesting person with a lot of values. It happened that I was having some peculiar difficulties and she was so helpful and that created a platform for more interaction. The friendship grew and I was convinced that this was the time to pop up the question and I got a favorable response. That was how our journey began........

Bride's Speaks.....
We have known since a year ago but as causal friends . As the year went on, I was relocated to a new office near his in the University of Benin and it gave us the opportunity to share pleasantries often. It happened that I helped out with some administrative issues he had challenges with. We got talking and from there, the friendship blossomed. Before I knew it he popped the question. "Like Seriously?" was my first response when he did because I taught he was joking as we were just 6 months into our friendship. I chuckled a few times as he went on repeating the words "Will you marry me?". The next response that proceeded from my mouth was... " Is this how people get married, just like that" The rest was history. Lol

I remembered my prayers some time back, to the Lord from the book of Psalms "Lord satisfy me early with you mercies and do a thing for me this year that will cause me to open my mouth wide". After all that happened, I became so overwhelmed that I didn't know where to begin all the planning from for I had planned other people's weddings and other ceremonies. This was mine right in my eyes, I didn't know where to begin from. It was amazing... and am still amazed. I am still amazed that it has happened already and in such a beautiful way. I am so glad I married my friend, confidant and my brother. This is what I tell friends "God just loves me specially that he opened the book of remembrance on me at the close of the year.

Such an interesting love story coming from these lovely couples, Dr and Mrs Eloghosa Ogbonmwan. We pray the best in your marital journey,Congratulations.  More pictures after the cut.

1 comment:

  1. We pray the best in your marital journey,Congratulations.

    Amen amen amen


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