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In a nutshell, the sum total of one's personality matters a whole lot while wanting to commit to a relationship headed for marriage .  It is no news that marriage  doesn't change anyone, it actually brings out the best or worst in people .  What  ever  character  trait  you observe in them now is the same trait  that will take  full manifestation when you both have gone past the aisle.  Don't take this for granted. It's important you make deliberate decisions based on the observations you've gotten over a period of time.

Choose not  to be carried away by all the outward show  of wonderful gestures, sweet talks and bodily curves rather take time to look inwardly, the contents of their hearts, their  emotional balance, their life's convictions.  It is important you have something tangible  to hold them to,  one that doesn't diminish with time but rather will be tried and tested . Also,  what are their goals and aspirations in life? Are the both of you gonna be headed in the same direction, or would there be clash of interests later on?  Any love relationship intending for a successful marriage, having a common life's perception of goals is important,they don't have to be exact but they should have the same trajectory for two can not walk together except they agree and agree continuously.

Choosing right depends more on us than the ones we want to commit to. As the saying goes, "you can not give what you don't have",  likewise you can't get what you do not have the capacity for. You have got to add to yourself right values you would want to see in them.  Be the kind of person you would want to get married to.

When we have got the right knowledge on love and relationships, not as the world knows but as the word of God says then we put ourselves on the right path.  For instance, the word says that the marriage bed should be kept undefiled knowing that sex when put before causes most relationships not to get its full potential which should be marriage

Many think "once we start having sex we'll be inseparable and we would have a strong marriage. On the contrary, sex wasn't made for relationships, it was made for marriages.  When we have this in our minds, we then  make the right choice in this aspect.

Knowing what it takes for love to work is key. Get to embrace strong principles and timeless wisdom which will stand you out and help you get it right. Don't do what every one else  is doing, don't follow the crowd, for lasting marriages are not common but are surely present. If you want to make it work then you  have to get it right from the start. Go for someone who you will be content with even after years to come.

 People get married for various reasons to their  spouses and still feel they made a mistake. They feel they should have married someone else for whatever reason.  Such a thought should not even cross minds especially if we know we made the right decisions, not based on feelings,desperation, fear or on the current status of an individual or even on people's recommendations but on our convictions that are formed  by facts and their source, our desires and that we truly love them for who they are and will ever be.

I believe this has made a difference in our thought pattern concerning how to go about getting a soul mate from good friendship relationships for I believe  good marriages are  products of good friendship relationships. You might have a question or something bothering your mind,Please don't hesitate to drop as a comment or send me a mail and I will surely respond. Have a lovely week.

Keep Loving Keep Living.......  LOVE ISSUES

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