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A lot has happened to you and to me in this almost completed year. If we were given the opportunity to all seat at a round table and share our views about the things we learned this year as concerns life and relationships, I believe a lot will be said, not only will that be, but will also inspire somebody's new years' resolution.

There are things that matter most and there are things that matter least. For me things like Salvation, a life partner and fulfilling one's purpose are some that will top the list for things that matter most. To some others, making money comes before all these well such is life as one man's meat is another man's bane. No doubts, one thing is for sure and common to all men whether black, white or brown; be it in the Antarctica, West Virginia or Mozambique and that's finding love. Being and sharing one's life with someone else they love is one of the most fulfilling things on earth.

We were all created in the image of a Love being. That one person you choose to get married to can make life a living hell for you or a sweet haven. You have got to make it count. Don't let the people who didn't get it right with their marriages deceive you to believing that Love doesn't last in marriages, it sure does. They make one believe that romantic and sensual love is majorly what one needs to make a marriage work but No, it doesn't. Not even personality can sustain a wholesome relationship. It takes much more, majorly values and character.

Love is beautiful. It gets to a point in your adult life where you just want to be with someone so bad even to the point that you start dreaming. We all have been wired for love. Don't be hard on yourself when you start acting funny, it's normal. You only need the right words, motivation, messages to channel that energy aright and not to make it a sting in your past. There's nothing new under the sun. Whatever you are facing now, has already been faced and conquered by someone else and as a matter of fact, many. Search, research and get plugged in.

In addition, I want to leave something intriguing for you all today, both the men and the ladies. It so blessed me while I read it and I know it will cause a shift in your thinking. Read it with an open heart and make it count in every step along the way especially in the quality of the relationship you would want to have with that special person as we approach a new year. And just so you know, it was drafted by a very special someone. *winks*


Proverbs 20:6
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

Notice the question there, BUT A FAITHFUL MAN WHO CAN FIND?

There are only two kinds of persons the Bible says are rare - A faithful man and a virtuous woman.

Solomon wrote about both.

In Proverbs 31:10 Solomon writes about how rare and priceless a virtuous woman is.

In Proverbs 20:6 he writes about how rare and uncommon a faithful man is.

In passing let me say this...

Just as Proverbs 20 comes before Proverbs 31 before you speak of how you only need a virtuous woman, work at being a faithful man.

Many Christian men know the importance of looking out for a VIRTUOUS WOMAN.

Sadly, many Christian womanize yet to know the importance of looking out for a FAITHFUL MAN.

I think it's because a lot has been preached about the virtuous woman but not much has been said about the faithful man.

So, let me say a few things.

Hear me, just as all women are not the same, all men are not the same.

Joseph, Jacob's son, was handsome, well framed and very attractive.

Yet he had the integrity to consistently turn down the flirtatious advances of his boss' wife.

That's STEADINESS of character. Talk about inner strength. That's a Proverbs 20:6 man.

Here are two(2) standard pieces of advice to believers wanting to get married:

1. FOR THE MEN: When God brings you a virtuous woman, marry her. It would be stupid of you not to.

2. FOR THE WOMEN: When God brings you a faithful man, don't ask foolish questions, marry him.


You don't need a "hot" babe, you need a virtuous woman.

You don't need a "hot" dude, you need a faithful man.


A virtuous woman is a "hot babe" first and foremost because of her rarity.

Usually, many other amazing things come along in her virtuous package.

In the same way, a faithful man is a "hot dude" simply because of his rarity.

Usually, too, much great stuff comes along with his package.

Someone has been praying. Now your answer has come.

These few lines have brought YOU lightly.

The just is delivered by knowledge (Proverbs 11:9).

I hope you get the drift. Make it count.

Your Love Coach, 


  1. This is Wisdome from above, Well worded. Thank you.

  2. This is wisdom from above. Well done and thank you.

  3. Thank you for also taking ypur time to read and comment.

  4. A life partner is a serious business, best you paray about it before jumping into any just because her curves were carved from mount Sinai, or because his abs were chiseled from the wood Joseph the father of Jesus used in bible days.

    It's more spiritual than physical.

    This is a time of the year when you go home and see your grannies and all, -food for thought- Your Grandma was once the shapiest girl in her time, let her saggy breats teach you something the upright bossoms of that girl you seem vested in wouldn't.

  5. Hahaha. You always add the icing on the cake when you visit this blog space. Thanks for such a wise addition


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