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Wow! So glad we all made it into another year. It's with great joy I welcome you all into the year 2020. It's sure going to be a beautiful year, that I know deep inside me for the old year has passed away and behold, a new year is upon us with lots of awesome dreams, goals, aspirations and much more. One important aspect of our lives that would bring the best out of us to achieve our goals and aspirations are the relationships we tend to nurture this year.

Relationships are very vital to living. Relationships are the building blocks of life. God made man in his image so that man could be able to relate with Him. All that God did and is still doing wouldn't be possible if the man wasn't a relational being. Values such as love, trust, faithfulness, loyalty came into being because the blueprint for relationships was activated was set on. Likewise, man needs relationships to be able to function optimally on earth and amongst others.

There are different types of Relationships as we all know. Love relationships that exist between a man and a woman, friendship relationships, work-related relationships and so on. The cumulative effect of all these forms of relationship can either be positive or negative having a long way in determining the success stories of our lives.

As last year gradually drew its curtains, quite a number of people kept posting pictures or words of how they would be cutting off people who had nothing to add to their lives. As one would call them; toxic people who were just hanging in there or around them for the things they would get or just wanting to see how much progress they had made without being encouraged. Well, I understand how people can be especially in these time and age,  of social media and worldwide web where people want to make an impression by posting their best moments, achievements and making some people get depressed, who have no understanding that time and chance happen to all man under the face of the earth. Just because someone looks "made" doesn't really mean they are successful or progressing in the right way. So many tend to live fake lives, refusing to look to cut their coat according to their clothes, all just to make a false living.

If you must cut anyone off, be careful not to leave them the way they were, because they might become worse of, at least let them know how they can become better and overcome such a weakness. When we genuinely help people see their faults and show them how to correct them, they become indebted to you and hold you in high esteem. It is true that not all relationships are meant to last but destiny relationships are priceless and should be guarded.

Also, develop new relationships that aspire and motivate you to be better in every aspect of your life. It is said, to him that must have more friends, he would have to show himself as friendly. That business connects you desire or that job you want could just be lying within the reach of a new relationship. Take the first step and be bold. Believe in yourself that you can have the right relationships. The people in your circle don't have to make you always pass negative vibes and comments sometimes, rather; they can make you appreciate life better through meaningful relationships.

Also, the love relationship you desire or want is just a normal relationship away. Never despise anyone or little beginnings. Develop new friendships, break out of your shell. Do things you have always wanted to do but never thought could be fulfilling. Become spontaneous. Become the kind of specifications you want in the opposite sex in other for you to be discovered by your match without much hassle.

It's my hope that in this new year, you will aspire to become great and get right the things that matter most. Also, you will be able to position yourself in order for the right relationships that will profit you in every area of your life to come to you. Keep developing yourself, keep aspiring to become better, keep being inspired by what you love on a daily basis and develop new relationships. Keep winning.

Your Love Coach,

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